Fast and Amazing
My fabric scissors were sharpened perfectly and service was so fast. I couldn't wait to share with all my sewing friends. Absolutely recommend to everyone to go here for scissor sharpening.
Diane F.
**The Barber Shop will be closed from March 24th - April 1st**
We're now sharpening shears at Kent of Inglewood! We currently offer a sharpening service for regular right-handed household scissors, kitchen shears, sewing scissors, and hair shears. If you're a barber or hair stylist with a dull pair of hair scissors, we've got you covered! Our experts carefully hone your edges to ensure a long-lasting quality quality edge.
Kitchen or standard household Shears - 2 Sides | $20 |
Kitchen or standard household Shears - 1 Side only | $10 |
Bevelled Fabric / Hair Shears | $30 |
Convex Hair Shears | $40 |
Currently, we only service right-handed shears/scissors
Welcome to Nathan's Corner! Here you'll find any news, media, or photos from the Kent of Inglewood barbershop and our barber Nathan's first hand work on display to help you see what kind of excellent services we're now happily offering!
Click here to book in with Nathan at the shop!
First Post From Our New Blog Series is out from Nathan!
Before & After with our pal Ryan!
Before & After Magic with our very own Calgary Knifewear Manager Colin
Before & After Glow-Up (now with Axes)
Barbershop Spotlight On Inglewoodyyc!
Before & After With Jake!
New Nathan Trailer!